Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bump is Magic

If something is true about my Myers-Briggs profile (ENTJ if you ask...) is that I get easily fascinated and entertained by ideas and concepts. This is one of those cases.

For those of you who don't know, "Bump" is an app that runs both on iPhone and Android and allows you to share your contact info by "bumping" your phones against each other.

By an elaborate and innovative flow of information the user is fooled into believing that the act of touching the two phones is doing the trick, while the devices in fact don't have anything that allows for this!

What is really happening is that the devices connect to a central server, notifying that they want to exchange a set of data, and when the accelerometer detects that the phone is "bumped", the server tries to match the GPS coordinates with another phone being bumped at the very same precise moment. Clever huh?

It is like a coordinate-authenticated PAN (Personal Area Network).

The part that I really get hung up on is that this is like faking a punch and having the other being put out by lightning!

I guess Arthur C. Clarke was right, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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