Friday, February 25, 2011

Just came in: FB replaces all platforms

It goes something like this:

Joe Posted Something on your Wall:
"Honey, we ran out of paper at the downstairs powder room"

Lucia commented on your post:
"Look in the cabinet, there should be more there"

Joe commented on his post:

Lucia commented on your post:
"I will be there in a minute, writing something on fb"

Edward commented on your post:
"We always keep plenty in the cabinet too, seems to work for us"

Joe commented on his post:
"Hurry up honey"

With the widespread adoption of a communication technology -or any technology for that matter- there is always a moment in time when somebody figures out a "original way of using it" or a way of misusing it.

The ping-pong email is a famous one, where people interact by exchanging one-liners through email and expecting immediate answers. The 15-minute voicemail, the two-party conference bridge dial-in are other examples of this.

Exchanges like the opening one, while exaggerated for illustration purposes are becoming more prevalent. The point here is that the parties could just talk to each other, and there is no benefit in having this conversation on fb, where usually the objective is to capitalize on your friends input, enriching the discussion, or simply because there is something worth sharing, either because it sublime or entertaining.

The parties do have a technological alternative that fits better their communication needs, but they are just resorting to fb (or whatever they choose) because of pure laziness.

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